Phase 1 Inc.


Caresmatic Phase 1 has developed comprehensive programs to assist needy veterans at various stages of transitioning out of military service. CP1 runs an employment program to enable veterans to pay their bills and build confidence to work in civilian jobs. CP1 also offer housing for veterans working in our employment program or needing sober-living. Our Mint Hill housing facility in Mint Hill, NC is up and running with 8 bed facility under the watch of an onsite 24 hour social support team.

During their tenure in the program, veterans are encouraged to achieve sustained independence and financial self-sufficiency by obtaining employment. In partnership with the Lyons Veterans Affairs staff, Community Hope provides the following intensive services.

Transitional housing for up to two years Recovery services for substance abuse and depression, post- traumatic stress, and other forms of mental illness Case management services linking veterans to health and rehabilitation services Access to job programs and an on-site computer training lab Support groups and peer support from other veterans in the program with similar experiences Access to benefits and counseling in budgeting skills to enhance financial self-sufficiency and Linkage to affordable housing upon graduation.